Monday, February 28, 2011

First batch of notes for the Internal

From the book 'Art, the definitive visual guide' by Andrew Graham-Dixon

Ancient Greek Art - All pot painting figures side on, or mostly side on with torsos' weirdly twisted to front.
- All faces side on
Baroque - life like
- no angry expressions, all calm
- Instead of angry, more disturbed/disturbing facial expressions
- Mostly clothed people except sculptures
- religious
- Bernini - sculptures
- Lots of angels
- "Bernini strove with everything in him to make resplendent all the conceptual beauty inherent in whatever he was working on" - Filippo Baldnucci
- Salvador Rosa (Google)
- Guido Reni (Google)
Rococo - Still life like, more frivolous than baroque
- About having fun, gods about having fun
- elaborate clothes like gods
- ^ might not be related but could have been based on some kind of gods even if not the ancient Greek ones. The ones that have fun and play tricks, not Jesus kind of god.
- Sculptures like ancient Greek with laurel wreaths in hair and flowing, unadorned cloth instead of clothes. Simple, like sculptures (not of gods) like ancient ones.
- Giambattista Tiepolo - 'Apollo conducting Beatrice of Burgundy to Frederick Barbarossa
- 'Neptune offering gifts to Venice'
- Also painted about Christ.

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