Sunday, February 6, 2011

Very First Classics Blog of 2011!!!

This blog is the end of loose paper! Never again shall we not be able work due to lost notes! These blogs will enable us to heighten our home learning capacity, as we can take our work home with us without the fear of it getting all crumply in our bags. We can use photos without having to drag ourselves to the nearest printer, laboriously cut around it, leaving as little whiteness as possible. Then unsticking the lids from the glue sticks, smothering the back in stickiness and trying to line up the edges with the side of the page. Which nearly always fails miserably and we end up with a wonky mess of glue and a hopelessly crumpled photo from google images (tm) that we don't even have the ability to say we photographed.
In short, this blog will help our learning for this subject immensly :)

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